Friday, October 16, 2009

Today sucked.

So, there is a girl I work with, A. We've worked together since March but have just recently became close. The more I get to know her, the more alike we are and we became fast friends.

Today, we called her into work to cover another girl's shift and she sends my boss a text telling her it will be her last night. Um, excuse me? As soon as she gets there she is in tears telling us she has to move tonight and there's no way around it.

Apparently, her mom chose her step-dad over her and kicked her out.

Sorry ass.

We caught the midnight premiere of Paranormal Activity and had some good Waffle House, before we said goodbye.

I know that I will see her again really soon, and nothing will really change but the distance but this really sucks. I have a hard enough time letting people in as it is. I'm really going to miss this girl.

I'm absolutely heartbroken.

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